1. Knowledge Base
  2. Brands & User Groups

How to Setup User Groups

This article will cover:
●    What are User Groups
●    How to Setup User Groups

What are User Groups

User Groups are a way to categorize Templates that are only available to designated Accounts within the User Group. A common example of when to use User Groups is when you have vertical-specific Templates such as Real Estate, Retail, Hospitality, or otherwise. 

For information on when to use User Groups versus Brands, please read Best Practices for Using User Groups vs Brands.


How to Setup User Groups

User Groups are added on the Account level, each Account can have multiple User Groups associated with it. Then, when publishing a Template you can choose to make that template available for the User Group(s). This will allow only Accounts from the stated User Groups to have access to the published Templates.


To create User Groups, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Admin Tab
  2. Select User Groups subtab
  3. Click Add a User Group 
  4. Click the Add button


To assign an Account to a User Group, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Admin tab
  2. Select the Accounts subtab
  3. Open the Account you want to add a User Group for
  4. Add the User Group on the bottom left of the page (you can optionally add new User Groups here as well)