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  2. Brands & User Groups

Best Practices for When to Use Brands and User Groups

This article will cover:

  • When to Use Brands
  • When to Use User Groups
  • How to Apply Brands and User Groups to Templates

When To Use Brands 

Brands allow you to store and manage assets (photos, logos, fonts, colors) for the companies you work with. Examples of Brands are Jcrew, Marriott, and Coldwell Banker. If you are leveraging Design Huddle to service one specific Brand, a single Brand option is available as well.

You should use Brands when you regularly create design templates specific to a company and are using approved assets from the company.

If your system only requires a single Brand, this can also be set up in Design Huddle. This single Brand can optionally be auto-assigned to your Accounts.

If your system is set up to support multiple Brands there are a couple of things to keep in mind. By default when an Account has multiple brands tied to it, the user will have access to any Templates attached to any of those brands. However when editing a Template, they will only have access to the brand assets tied to that specific Template. This can be changed however so that the user has access to all Brand assets regardless of Template assignment.

Assets can also be stored for all users no matter what Brand they are tied to. These are called shared Libraries.

Contact support@designhuddle.com to have any of these features turned on or if you have any questions regarding your Brand or Library settings. 

When To Use User Groups

User Groups allow you to group Accounts into categories such as industry or region. Examples of User Groups are Retail, Hospitality, or Real Estate.

You should use User Groups when you create design templates that can be used across multiple Accounts or Brands but are meant for a specific type of client. For example, a real estate listing template can be used across real estate companies.

Using Brands and User Groups With Templates

When publishing a new Template you have the option to either make it available for all users, for a select Brand, or one or more User Groups. 

You can also choose a Brand and limit access by User Group. You may want to do this if there is are Accounts with Brands and User Groups applied and you only want certain User Groups that also have a Brand attached with them to see the Template. This gives you plenty of flexibility to make sure the Templates are getting to the appropriate Accounts.

Note: If you do not currently have access to the Brand tab or the ability to add multiple Brands, please contact support@designhuddle.com or your Account Manager to add this to your system.