Design Huddle has default limits for the size and dimensions of projects and assets that are imported or exported. The default limits are intended to maintain optimum platform performance, however, most limits can be increased in order to accommodate specific needs (e.g. large format printing, multi-page documents). Please note that the file types available, maximum dimensions, and maximum file upload size, may vary depending on your account type and subscription tier. Below is a list of the default limits.
Project Size Limits:
- Print Project Dimensions Limit (in): 52 inches width and/or height *
- Print Project Dimensions Limit (mm): 1300 millimeters width and/or height *
- Digital Project Dimensions Limit: 10,000 pixels width and/or height
- Video Project Dimensions Width Limit: 1920 pixels
- Video Project Dimensions Height Limit: 1080 pixels
- Presentation Project Dimensions Width Limit: 3840 pixels
- Presentation Project Dimensions Height Limit: 2160 pixels
Import Size Limits:
- Image File Size: 25mb *
- Video File Size: 500mb *
- Audio File Size: 10mb *
- PDF File Size: 75mb *
- PDF Page Count: 40 pages *
Export Size Limits:
- Video Duration (mp4): 3 minutes *
- Video Duration (webm): 1 minute *
- Video Duration (gif): 30 seconds
- Video Total Pixels (mp4/webm): 2,073,600 pixels (1920 x 1080)
- Video Total Pixels (gif): 480,000 pixels (800 x 600)
- Image Total Pixels: 30,000,000 pixels
*These limits can be increased.
To see if you qualify for increased project or asset limits or for information on associated costs, please contact