Below is a full list of keyboard shortcuts available in the Editor for ease of use. We are constantly adding to this list so please let us know if there is something missing here that you would like to see. You can send your suggestions to
1.Zoom In
- (Mac) Command + Plus
- (PC) Control + Plus
2. Zoom Out
- (Mac) Command + Minus
- (PC) Control + Minus
- (Mac) Command + Z
- (PC) Control + Z
4. Redo
- (Mac) Command + Shift + Z
- (PC) Control + Shift + Z
5. Delete Element
- Delete Key
6. Deselect Element
- Esc Key
7. Copy Element
- (Mac) Command + C
- (PC) Control + C
8. Paste Element
- (Mac) Command + V
- (PC) Control + V
9. Select Element Beneath
- (Mac) Command + Click
- (PC) Control + Click
10, Select Multiple Elements
- Shift + Click
11. Move Element 1 Pixel
- Arrow Keys
12. Move Element 10 Pixels
- Shift Key + Arrow Keys