How to Virtual Login

This article will cover:
  • What is Virtual Login
  • How to Virtual Login
  • How to Sign Out

What is Virtual Login

Virtual Login enables users to remotely access the Design Huddle platform on behalf of your users. As an Account or System Admin, this allows you to view your user Projects and make edits for them if necessary. If you are using Guest Users via your Design Huddle integration the Virtual Login option is not turned on by default. If you would like this turned on, please contact

How to Virtual Login

  1. Go to Admin
  2. Click Account Users
  3. Find the desired account
  4. Click the green Virtual Signin Key on the right hand side

From here you can navigate through your users portal.

How to Sign Out

In the case you need to sign out, follow these steps:

  1. Find the users name on top right hand corner
  2. Click Virtual Sign Out