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How to Generate Presentation Links

Presentation links allow you to share a web-based version of your completed presentation. They can be generated in the export menu for any presentation or multi-page print Project. These links can be shared with anyone and loaded directly onto any browser. To generate a link for your presentation follow these steps:

  1. Click Export in your Project
  2. Select the Generate Presentation Link option

This will open a second menu where you can choose your settings:

  1. Give your presentation a title
  2. Always Show Latest Project Version - Ensures a viewer will see the most recent version with any changes made to the project. 
  3. Allow PDF Download - Gives viewers the option to download the presentation.
  4. Allow Public Access - Allows anyone with the link to view the project. 
  5. Require Password - Forces the viewer to enter a password to open the presentation.
  6. Click Generate Link 

Once generated you will have the option to either Preview Presentation or Manage Viewers.

Preview Presentation will open the Project in the browser to give you an idea of what it will look like for your users. 

Manage Viewers will allow you to  add viewers and generate links for them. If you choose to require a password, you can also set a password here. Furthermore if you are leveraging our Presentation Analytics feature, adding viewers is important to see the data corresponding to each viewer, such as total opens, further page reached, etc.

*Note: If you would like to leverage Presentations or Presentation Analytics please contact support@designhuddle.com