Any element (text, images, or shapes) on your Project can be excluded from the export, this is most common in a print project. You might want to exclude an element from the export if you are providing instructions to a user or designating a space that the user should not design on. You can also provide a safe zone in print ready PDF or apply a filter over the top of a design. If excluded from the export, these elements will remain on your Project but will not render upon export.
Design Huddle also offers a backend watermark that can be placed. This can be done by providing either a Transparent PNG or SVG to Design Huddle that will be placed on top of any Canvas in your system. Watermarks can either be set in the bottom left of the design or patterned over the top of them.
Watermarks can be added to either all Projects or just Projects that require approval. These Projects can either be set to export with the watermark prior to approval or need approval to finally export without the watermark. Watermarks can also be added via our API per export if you are leveraging the integrated version of Design Huddle.
To tag elements that should be excluded from the export you will need to have the Classes feature turned on in your account. Once this is enabled, you will decide on a Class name to tag design elements you wish to exclude, e.g. no_print, no_export, etc.. You can email this information to to have this set up for you. Once the setting is turned on, follow these steps to exclude a design element from export:
- Open your Project
- Select the Element to tag with the Class
- In the left menu select the designated Class name for the excluded element