Best Practices for Template Locking

This article will cover:

  • Why Should I Lock Templates

  • What can you Lock on a Template

  • Global Template Locking Defaults

Why Should I Lock Templates

Template locking is an incredibly important feature in Design Huddle. Because most of your users are not going to have a lot of graphic design experience, locking is a way to ensure that designs you have created cannot get be tampered with improperly.

Brand integrity is also so important when distributing design collateral. Locking allows you to maintain the integrity of the brand or style you have chosen while allowing users freedom to customize designs.

Locking is important to create simple workflows for your users. Giving users too many options can be overwhelming. Locking gives your users a simple workflow to make quick and professional designs for them to use in any context.

What Can You Lock on a Template

On the main Locking page you can select to lock any of the baby buttons in the left menu.

  • Text
  • Images (Media)
  • Shapes
  • Background

The Apply Template button will not show for you end users by default. Paging (Scenes or Slides if you are using Video or Presentations) is also auto locked.

You can also click on any element within the design (Text, Images/Media, Shapes, or Lines) and choose to lock any button associated to the element that has the locking symbol on top of it. This includes all of our design features (ex: curve text, resize, drop shadow) and any media galleries that are made available to the user.

In the left menu you have the ability to lock the Context Menu, Position, as well as Content (for text only) on the right hand side.

Lastly for every element at the bottom of the right panel you will see an Apply As Default button. Clicking this will apply the Locking settings you have chosen for that element across any of the same elements on the design. You can choose to apply this to new elements added and/or current elements on the design. 

If you want to lock all attributes for a specific element, choose the Lock All Attributes menu in the Context Menu or Right Panel.

For example, for text you can choose to lock the ability to change the font or the color. For images, you can lock the ability to add a color overlay. Any specific design feature can be locked per element or all attributes can be locked and specific functions can be unlocked. 

By default, Design Huddle will hide any new control added to any element that has been locked by using the Lock All Attributes button applied to it moving forward. This protects the integrity of your existing Templates. However, if you want new controls to show you have two options.

1. You can re-publish these Templates with your new desired Locking settings.

2. You can contact Design Huddle support and we can turn on a setting that with auto-render any new setting that Design Huddle adds to an element across all your templates.

Once you have set your locking on the Template, be sure to click the Save Locking Configuration button on the main locking page. Design Huddle will prompt you to save prior to publish but this is crucial to select or all your locking will be lost. 

Global Locking Defaults

If you have come up with a Locking strategy that will apply across all of your Templates, Design Huddle gives you the ability to set Global Defaults. You can do this by hovering over your name on the top right of the portal and clicking Configure Locking Defaults. Here you can set defaults that will apply for all Templates moving forward. You can still configure settings on individual Templates but these global locks will be automatically set from the outset.


Note: If you do not currently have access to Video or Presentations, please contact or your Account Manager to add this to your system.